Work with Us!

We believe the best way to keep listeners engaged is to tell stories, including a story of and for your brand, is to put listeners first. Khrysalys provides a variety of advertising and sponsorship solutions for you to reach our dedicated listeners and deliver your brand message through dynamic ad insertions, live reads and more.

The Experience


We partner and work with events, brands and businesses to maximise their reach to our Listening ,Viewing and Readership, while also creating new avenues of exposure that will resonate to potential customers.

Listener First

We believe the best way to tell any story, including a story for your brand, is to put listeners first.


We create integrated advertising campaigns and solutions, based on content genre and the geographic location of the listener,of which content Creation across our digital networks encourage interaction, awareness and brand association for our clients.

Sponsor Packages


Per Episode
  • We will promote your brand with a live read 60-second pre-roll audio ad on an upcoming episode of our podcast.
  • Logo with link on Website Episode page.
  • Episode Social Media Call out


Per Episode
  • We will promote your brand with a live read 60-second pre-roll audio ad on an upcoming episode of our podcast.
  • Logo with link on Website Episode page.
  • Episode Social Media Call out


Per Episode
  • We will promote your brand with a live read 60-second pre-roll audio ad on an upcoming episode of our podcast.
  • Logo with link on Website Episode page.
  • Episode Social Media Call out

Get in Touch

If you’re looking to advertise, get in touch

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